31 Days To Freedom

31 Days to Freedom

A proven way to reduce stress and tension in relationships. When behaviors, words, or situations cause conflict and stress between spouses, family members, or employees in a work situation, follow the steps below.

  • Breathe. Take two or three deep breaths, and say, “I breathe.”
  • Stay. Stay in His presence, in the here and now of the moment. “I stay.”
  • Make eye contact. With the other person and or with Jesus. “I make eye contact.”

The steps will bring calmness into the situation and have everyone focus on the here and now, bringing Jesus into the mix. Then say the following:

“I apologize …”  Example:” I apologize for raising my voice and being angry at you.”

“Please forgive me.” “Please forgive me for shouting.”

“I recommit to …”  “I recommit to listening carefully and using a calm voice.”

Release all offense, forgive, and move forward to better outcomes together.


When a negative thought comes into your mind, say out loud:

Thank you, Lord, for taking care of that. Jesus, I praise and thank you for taking care of that.

You must say these words out loud every time a negative thought enters your mind to have success and freedom. You will sabotage your freedom and not get the desired results if you do not immediately speak out loud and redirect your thoughts.

When a negative word comes out of your mouth, immediately say: CANCEL.

Then say:

I used to think that way.

I used to feel that way.

I used to be that way.  

But not anymore.  

Thank you, Lord, for taking care of that. Jesus, I praise and thank you for canceling that.

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