31 Days to Freedom

If you say what God says.If you think like God thinks.If you act or behave as God acts or behaves.Then you will get God’s desired results. When a negative thought comes into your mind, say out loud:Thank you Lord, for taking care of that. You must say these words out loud every time a negative […]

How to Believe and Achieve; Success Oriented Inspiration and Motivation

The following 17 principles have been used by millions around the world to take charge of their lives, realize their potential and reach the loftiest goals they have set for themselves. Multiple hundreds of millionaires have used these principles. They are time tested, practical and proven. They have stood the test of time.1. Developing a […]

The Process of Getting Healed

The Process of Getting Healed By Pastor Bill McCombes Recognize what sin does to your soul. Sin originates from the original sin, generational sins, sins perpetrated against us and sins that we do ourselves. The blood of Jesus, shed on the cross, eradicates, covers and takes care of our sin. “What can wash away my […]